4000530 "25 ton overhead crane" for UAE
Keyword: Time:2022-9-7 19:21:54
Dear Sir/Madam
Hereby we would like to purchase following items according to below mentioned criteria:
1. Technical data : please refer to attached specification .
2. Please provide the commercial and technical proposal for each component and item with a validity period of at least 3 months.
3. Price / Terms of payment: the price should be based on CPT Dubai / UAE.
4. Terms of delivery: please let us know the shortest delivery time possible.
5. Please provide us with your standards, certificates and catalog.
6. Please provide us the product HS code.
7. Please provide the guarantee period time.
** It is necessary to specify the manufacturer name and country of origin for each item.
Subject: 4000530 "25 ton overhead crane"
Dear Sir/Madam
Hereby we would like to purchase following items according to below mentioned criteria:
Title: “25 Ton Overhead Crane”
1 | Capacity | (Q) | 25 Ton |
2 | Lifting Height | (H) | 10 Meters |
3 | Span | (S) | 17 Meters |
4 | Travelling Length | (L) | 42 Meters |
5 | Working Class (FEM,ISO) | 2 m / M5 | |
6 | Working Area | Indoor Area | |
7 | Type | Double Girder | |
8 | Ambient Temperature | - 10 / +40°C | |
9 | Descriptions: | ||
These dimensions are mentioned as overall dimensions. The exact manufacturing dimensions will be indicated after the project. |
1 | Product Type | VDH25_4/1_15_2 m / M5 | ||
2 | High Lifting Speed | m/min | 4,00 | Soft start stop and double speed |
3 | Low Lifting Speed | m/min | 1,00 | |
4 | Lifting Double Speed | Double speed by frequency inverter | ||
5 | Motor Power / Brand | kw | 15,00 | 1Pcs. - WAT Brand |
6 | Motor Speed | rpm | 1500 | IP55 / F Insulation / Squirrel Cage / 40% ED |
7 | Steel Wire Rope Diameter | mm | 20 | 6*36 WARRINGTON Seale (200kg/mm²) |
8 | Rope Reeving | 4/1 | ||
9 | Winding the rope | Wire rope guide | ||
10 | Brake Type | Electromagnetic brake | ||
11 | Gearbox type and brand | Helical geared lifting gearbox | ARNIKON | |
12 | Hook Type | Forged steel with safety latch | (DIN 15401) |
Monoblock type gearboxes have been specially designed for crane lifting groups. Our gearboxes are manufactured according to DIN3962 is 6-7. Motors IE2 (Eff1) class are highly efficient. Double speed is taken from the frequency inverter, the sensitive and non-double speed motor. Electromagnetic brakes are negative and spring-loaded and highly torqued. (torquing - maximum capacity are more than two times of the load). Our hooks are made from forged steel according to the P class. Rope guides are manufactured from GGG50. Rope follower is from one side. |
✔ |
1 | High traversing speed | m/min | 16,00 | Soft start stop and double speed | |
2 | Low traversing speed | m/min | 4,00 | ||
3 | Traversing double speed | Double speed by frequency inverter | |||
4 | Motor Power / Brand | Kw | 2,20 | 1Pcs. - WAT Brand | |
5 | Motor Speed | Rpm | 1500 | IP55 / F Insulation / Squirrel Cage / 40% ED | |
6 | Breaking Type of Traversing | Electromagnetic brake | |||
7 | Gearbox type and brand | Helical geared travelling gearbox -D type | ARNIKON | ||
8 | Torqued Type | Bogie type / Torque arm | |||
9 | Wheel Rolling Diameter | Mm | 250 | Rolling Diameter | |
10 | Total Wheel Unit | Pcs. | 4 | ||
11 | Torqued Wheel Unit | Pcs. | 2 | ||
12 | Wheel Material | GGG70 |
The trolley groups are made of wheel blocks produced from GGG50 casting steel. These blocks are processed accurately according to the latest technology. At the point of bearing wheels are made to provide long life, high-speed access to the desired point which is a great advantage. Trolley gearboxes are hollow shafted and are monoblock body. Service factor is at least 1. Travelling wheels are torqued from the middle point by the multi-wedge system. | ✔ |
1 | Product Type | YRD_ÇKK_D300-2,2 | |||
2 | High travelling speed | m/min | 20,00 | Soft start stop and double speed | |
3 | Low travelling speed | m/min | 4,00 | ||
4 | Travelling double speed | Double speed by frequency inverter | |||
5 | Motor Power / Brand | Kw | 2,20 | 2 Pcs. - WAT Brand | |
6 | Motor Speed | Rpm | 1500 | IP55 / F Insulation / Squirrel Cage / 40% ED | |
7 | Breaking Type of Traversing | Electromagnetic brake | |||
8 | Gearbox type and brand | Helical geared travelling gearbox -D type | ARNIKON | ||
9 | Torqued Type | Driven in the Middle / Torque arm | |||
10 | Wheel Rolling Diameter | Mm | 300 | Rolling Diameter | |
11 | Total Wheel Unit | Pcs. | 4 | ||
12 | Torqued Wheel Unit | Pcs. | 2 | ||
13 | Max. Wheel Load | kN | 180,6 | ||
14 | Wheel Material | GGG70 |
The trolley groups are made of wheel blocks produced from GGG50 casting steel. These blocks are processed accurately according to the latest technology. At the point of bearing wheels are made to provide long life, high-speed access to the desired point which is a great advantage. Trolley gearboxes are hollow shafted and are monoblock body. Service factor is at least 1. Travelling wheels are torqued from the middle point by the multi-wedge system. | ✔ |
1 | Type | Double Girder | ||
2 | Girder Construction | Box construction | ||
3 | Max. Deflection | Mm | 1/1000 | |
4 | Trolley Rail Material | Mm | 50*30 Solid bar | |
5 | Maintenance Hand Railing | Along the bridge (single side) | ||
6 | Information Sticker | According to CE standards | ||
7 | Steel Material | S 235 | EN10025-2 | |
8 | Runway Rails | Mm | Belong to Customer | |
9 | Runway Beams | Belong to Customer |
The steel girders are designed with max. 1/1000 deflection. All outside weldings are made with automatic submerged arc welding machine. There is a maintenance platform from one side of the girder horizontally fixed . All the metarials that are used in crane system have DIN EN 10204 3.1 certification properties and characteristics. All steel surfaces are cleaned by SA2,5 sandblasting before painting. Solid bars are manufactured according to cold rolled processing standards. | ✔ |
1 Power Su p p ly Vo lt age & Fr equency
2 Co m m and Vo lt age
3 El ect r ical pa rt s bra nd
4 Fre que ncy invert ers b r an d
5 Co nt ro l Type
6 Com m and Pro t e ct io n Class
7 Cross Travers Electric Type
8 Long Travel El ectr ic Typ e
Co m m and Panel
Overl oa d Device Lifti ng Switch
Tr aversin g Switch Tr avelling Sw it ch
An t i Co l lision Device
Thermal an d Ph ase Pr otect ion Em erg ency Stop
Horn wit h Ligh t &So und
400 Volt (± %5 ) 50 / 60 Hz
24 Volt
Siemens & Schneider
Sch neider (Telem ech an ique)
Cab le com man d & Radio rem ot e co ntr ol IP65
NPI cable syst em Busbar Sys t em
6+6 M otions
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
2006/42/EC lihe Mach ine ry Safety Dir ect ive
2004/ 10 8/ EC Elect r om agn et ic Co m pa t ibili ty Dire ctive
TS EN ISO 9001 :2015 Quali ty M anagem ent Systems - Req u i rem ent s TS EN lS0ll+Al Crane s - Bridge and Gant ry Cr an es
TS EN1090 -1+Al Execution of st eel st r uct ures
TS EN ISO 3834-2 Quality requir em ents for fu sion w eld ing of m eta lli c m ate ri alls
DIN 15018 Cr an es; steel st r uctur es; ver ificat ion and an alyses
DIN 15400 Lift ing hooks; m at erials, m eoha ni cal pro pe rt ies, lift ing capaci ty an d st re sses FEM 1.001 (10 .1998) Rull e s fo r t he design of hoist ing app li ances.
FEM 9.755 (06 .1993) M easu re fo r achi eving safe wo rki ng peri ods for motor ized ser ia l ho ist un it s (S. W.P) FEM 9.761 (01 .1995) Lif ting fo rce lim it ers for cont ro llli n g the lo ad in g of m ot orized seri es h oist mechani sm. FEM 9.941 (01 .1995) Se i es li ft ing equ ipm ent ; Graphica l sym bo ls for cont ro l dev ices
FEM 9.341 {10.1983) Rull e s fo r the des ign of seri es lift ing equ ipm ent; Loca l gir der stresses
FEM 9.511 (06 .1986) Rull e s fo r t h e design of seri es lift ing equ ipm ent; Classifi catio n of me chanism s
FEM 9.661 (06 .1986) Rull e s fo r t h e design of seri es lift ing equ ipm ent; Dim ensions and de sign oh ope reev ing compo nent s
FEM 9.671 (10 .1988) Rull e s fo r t h e design of seri es lift ing equipm ent; Ch ain qua li t ies , select ion criter ia and requirem ents FEM 9.683 (10 .1995) Se lect ion of lift ing and tra vel m oto rs
TS EN 287-i [TS EN ISO 960 6-1) Qualifi cat io n test of welder s - Fu sion w eldin g - Par t 1 : Stee ls
TS EN 14 18{TS EN IISO 14732) Welding per sonn el - Q ua li fi c at io n t est1i ng o f w e l d i n g op erat o rs and w eld sett ers for m echanized an d aut om at i c we ldin g o f me talli c m ater ials
1. Technical data : please refer to attached specification .
2. Please provide the commercial and technical proposal for each component and item with a validity period of at least 3 months.
3. Price / Terms of payment: the price should be based on CPT Dubai / UAE.
4. Terms of delivery: please let us know the shortest delivery time possible.
5. Please provide us with your standards, certificates and catalog.
6. Please provide us the product HS code.
7. Please provide the guarantee period time.
** It is necessary to specify the manufacturer name and country of origin for each item.
CIF Dubai sea cost total price is $49,000
HS code: 84261120
detailed offer pls check: http://ramhoist.com/Cranes-Components2/4113.html