ACME recommend ways for safe operation of the bridge crane

Keyword:crane, bridge crane   Time:2018-12-1 14:48:44

Safe operation of the bridge crane
 In order to promote the safe operation of the bridge crane system in the industrial environment, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ACME B30.17-1992) outlines the behavior of the crane operator. It is stated that in order to maintain the safe operation of the crane operation system, any practice that divert attention does not occur when the crane operator works. However, there are many obstacles, or low visibility and excessively stimulated factory floor, which are dangerous areas of industrial environment.
 In order to operate the overhead lift system safely and effectively, it is particularly important when it involves falling protection. The crane operator must be fully aware of the safety of the surrounding environment. According to ASME, using hand signals in a busy industrial environment is an operator's skills needed to learn, whether it is a general operator or an operator using a small or manual bridge crane system.
 Hand signals are only applicable to large cranes that the operator sits on cabin. This is what most people think is wrong. But OSHA and ASME stipulate that, in order to prevent potential hazards to operators or workers near a crane, the necessary part of the operator's behavior is to describe the hand signal, due to the occurrence of multiple factors, such as when the visibility is low, or when the load is moved.
 Safety is a problem that happens at any time in an industrial crane environment, but we can mitigate or eliminate hazards through engineering  control integration. First, try to eliminate this situation, which is the general mechanical control system of OSHA, and then consider engineering control. However, administrative control is the third feasible option, especially when the hazards can not be eliminated, or engineering control can not effectively solve the problem.
 When workers' motion is relative to the load movement, entanglement often occurs, in order to effectively eliminate the risk of  entanglement. Crane operators should be able to see and communicate with workers at any time, so administrative control can be adopted. But the problem of dragging or driving is the problem that the crane operator usually focuses on the load, and the overhead of the crane does not exist. Another concern is the possibility of structural impact when the operator's visibility is low or the load can not be controlled and the relative position of the nearby structure of the crane may be affected.
 If this happens, the advice ASME gives is that the operator chooses a competent person or a designated signal to send a signal, and the person is just operating the elevator. If the signal man or manager does not  operate the crane, the operator who is responsible for the lift and nearby  workers is the operator. All crane operators should know that whoever signals the factory must observe the stop signal at all times.
 If neither the signer nor the director exists in your factory, other measures can be taken to improve the visibility of the crane operator. But the man in charge of control may hold the life and death of others, especially when the crane operator is the only visibility under the control of his or her load.
 A management control for improving visibility in an industrial  crane environment is to designate areas for employees near the crane. To ensure  that workers are always in a safe and visible position, the designated area is on the ground or on the working platform. In this way, the crane operator can know the position of the workers at any time.
 However, it is a potential problem for workers to use falling  protection near the bridge crane structure in a factory where the designated area is not feasible, or the harm of structural impact is a potential problem. OSHA 1926.1425 clearly indicates that the crane operator and all staff should be able to communicate at any time. Devices such as phones and radios can not communicate with each other in large floors. Therefore, ASME and OSHA are not recommended for use. It is generally recommended to use hand signals.
 When do we implement hand signals in the industrial crane environment? If the worker or load behind the operator can't be seen, or the heavy or clumsy load inhibits visibility, and the workers continue to move around the factory, the use of hand signals is essential to ensure effective communication. That's what OSHA 1926.1425 says:
 Crane operators must communicate with workers at any time.
 In order to be able to hear the sound, background noise must be kept minimal.
 If the background noise or distance can not hear the voice command, radio control must be used to ensure the 100% communication.
 If the operation point is not in the panoramic view of the operator, the signal  may need.
 Language can not hinder communication. All workers must be able to speak, understand and communicate fluently in a selective language.
 A leader must be appointed to direct the elevator.
 The key personnel to communicate with crane operators are foreman.
 ASME points out that signals must be fully identifiable or audible operators. When your operator can't hear the voice of factory workers at any time, the hand signal should be executed even if there is slight obstruction.
 How to ensure the effective execution of the hand signal? First of all, ASME indicated that the hand signal labels must be posted around the facilities, and a competent person is responsible for teaching other workers. Standard hand  signals should be very familiar to qualified crane operators. People who send signals or indicate loads should be very familiar with them. Once a special signal is needed, the standard signal can be modified for special operations.  But only money can send special signals to you and the signalling operator and  operator who understand the signal. Special signals do not conflict with standard signals. A competent, designated handsigner or supervisor can use the hand signal. However, the "stop" signal must always be observed by the operator, and every worker should be familiar with the way to use it.

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